How do I send a newly created accessory from Character Creator to ZBrush?



How do I send a newly created accessory from Character Creator to ZBrush?

Reallusion Support
Pose Tools

To send an accessory and pose the character before ZBrush Pose Link > Send Current Pose was used, follow these steps:

1) Use CC GoZ > Relink to send the accessory to CC.
2) Transfer the pose from CC to ZBrush.

To send an accessory and pose the character after ZBrush Pose Link > Send Current Pose was used, follow these steps:

1) GoZ the current pose from ZBrush to CC.
2) Use CC GoZ > Relink to send the accessory to CC.
3) Transfer the pose from CC to ZBrush.

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Last Modified: 5/22/2023 1:04:17 AM
Last Modified By: Reallusion Support
Type: FAQ
Article has been viewed 673 times.
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