Can I sell the characters I create with Character Creator 4?



Can I sell the characters I create with Character Creator 4?

Reallusion Support
Policies and Statements

Kindly refer to our AP EULA to check point 5. 3D Models Limitations:

The unique topology of characters generated by Character Creator (Reallusion 3D Models) is Reallusion’s property. You shall not do the following applications unless getting explicit permission from Reallusion:
5.1 Transform Reallusion 3D Models into any other 3D formats, distribute them, or sell them in any third party marketplaces or applications.
5.2 Use the characters or their morph assets to build up another character generation system in games or interactive services.
You may only sell the Reallusion 3D Models created by you in the Reallusion Content Store and Reallusion Marketplace (see the Reallusion Content Developer Agreement).

However, if you are selling the characters directly to your customers by projects without selling characters on third party marketplaces, then it is allowed.

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Last Modified: 10/6/2022 2:58:02 AM
Last Modified By: Reallusion Support
Type: FAQ
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