How to disable the Reallusion Hub notification when I use the program?



How to disable the Reallusion Hub notification when I use the program?

Reallusion Support
Reallusion Hub

1) Open the Settings dialog from the left panel of the CATEGORIES.
2) Uncheck the "Notify me when a new product patch is available." It will disable the notification when a new product patch is released. You can still use the "Check for Update" from your product Menu > Help and get the latest version or the Reallusion Hub's Updates panel.
3) Uncheck the second "Show important product notifications." It will disable all the product release notifications and some discount messages.
4) If you don't always want the Reallusion Hub in the background, then you can uncheck the third checkbox "Run Reallusion Hub when my computer starts". This will not affect your program usage.

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Last Modified: 1/10/2023 3:30:17 AM
Last Modified By: Reallusion Support
Type: FAQ
Article has been viewed 2.8K times.
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