3DXchange Pipeline is not needed to export CC characters and animations, including facial animation. Facial animations can be saved from iClone and exported as part of an FBX export from CC3 Pipeline. Here is the procedure:
Record facial animation in iClone.
Use the "Collect Clip" to save the motion.
Make sure to select "Add MotionPlus To Library" to include the facial animation.
Select export FBX in CC3 Pipeline.
Export as FBX from CC3 Pipeline with your custom MotionPlus file(s). https://manual.reallusion.com/Character_Creator_3/ENU/3/Content/Character_Creator_3/3/17_Export/Exporting_FBX_Characters_with_MotionPlus.htm
If you cannot see the add motion button in the panel, then scroll down a little to see the entire export panel.