After upgrading from iClone 7, where can I find my Nature Terrain Generator plugin for iClone 8 ?



After upgrading from iClone 7, where can I find my Nature Terrain Generator plugin for iClone 8 ?

Reallusion Support
Download and Installation

To install the Nature Terrain Generator plugin for iClone 8, there are separate installers.

You can visit and log into this page:
Of you can find your Nature Terrain Generator plugin and download the installer for iClone 8.
(Note: If you have trouble installing, then kindly uninstall the Nature Terrain Generator plugin with the Windows Uninstaller first.)

After installing, download the content pack with the Content Manager for iClone 8.

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Last Modified: 7/12/2022 1:11:56 AM
Last Modified By: Reallusion Support
Type: FAQ
Article has been viewed 1.3K times.
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