What is the difference between a Profile and the Plug-in for Faceware and Perception Neuron?



What is the difference between a Profile and the Plug-in for Faceware and Perception Neuron?

Reallusion Support
Motion LIVE

Before the release of Motion LIVE Plug-in (unified mocap plug-in for iClone), users require separate plug-ins for Faceware and Perception Neuron. However, users cannot capture facial and body data at the same time from two different plug-ins.

Motion LIVE Plug-in for iClone offers integrated mocap capabilities. Users just need to install gear profiles for their mocap devices, and enjoy the centralized control over different mocap hardware combinations.

Most Motion LIVE mocap profiles support multi-character capture, so if you own two Perception Neuron suites, then you can capture both character’s motion at the same time. You can also capture several characters’ motion from different mocap gears, for example one from Xsens, and one from Perception Neuron, the combination is totally flexible.

If you do not want to do the full upgrade, you can still use the existing iClone Faceware Facial Mocap Plug-in or the iClone Mocap Plug-in for Perception Neuron, without installing the Motion LIVE Plug-in. But take note that due to the new architectural change, we won't provide new updates for the Mocap Plug-in, thus it is advisable to setup and use the newer Motion LIVE Plug-in together with the mocap Profiles.

The Motion LIVE Plug-in can run alongside with other iClone Mocap Plug-ins, you are not required to remove existing iClone Mocap Plug-ins from your system.

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Last Modified: 6/4/2018 1:49:09 AM
Last Modified By: Reallusion Support
Type: FAQ
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