How to import iClone 3D Motions into CrazyTalk Animator 3?



How to import iClone 3D Motions into CrazyTalk Animator 3?

Reallusion Support
Download and Installation
To import iClone 3D Motions you will need CrazyTalk Animator 3 Pipeline version, and a G2 character in your scene.

For importing iClone 5 embedded 3D motions you will need to: -
1) First, apply a G2 Character in the stage. Please note that iClone motions are only supported by G2 characters.
2) At the Main Menu, select File > Import Animation.
3) Open and find the .iMotion file to import.

For iClone 6/7, to create a new motion you will need to export the motion file as a .rlMotion format: -
1) Load motion into a 3D character in iClone 6/7.
2) Open the Timeline and find the motion clip.
3) Use the Collect Clip track to select the motion range.
4) Right-click the mouse, to choose "Add Motion to Library".
5) In the drop-down file type choose “RL Motion Files”.
6) Then import the .rlMotion file into CrazyTalk Animator 3, by following the above step.

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Last Modified: 7/31/2017 3:22:40 AM
Last Modified By: Reallusion Support
Type: FAQ
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